Monday, October 20, 2008

Caught in the Act of Mooching

This was shot on the evening of Bryan's return from Germany. Oliver stayed with us while Bryan was away, and he was a brazen mooch of the very highest order. We demonstrated for Bryan here. As you can see, he coasts through life on his good looks and charm.


eretria said...

Oh, it was sorely missed while Bryan was here.
I can't believe that he almost made Lindsey put the treat in his mouth. With his paw.
Oh, you jingly, jingly silly beast.

Jan Crocker (a.k.a. "LadyWineGeek") said...

Fun stuff. Emmy, our irrepressible tortie, may have met her match with Oliver and his antics. Thanks for posting this!

Sleepwalker said...

Boy, he's got that paw-hookie thing down. Ferrari does that when he wants attention, and Valrhona does it when she thinks I have anything edible in my hand.