Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bah Humbug

Well, at least the president was elected, as opposed to appointed, this time. However, we now have an increased Republican presence in the Legislative branch of the government and will most likely see several Supreme Court justices chosen by this administration. Thus, it won't be difficult for the White House to create a new Federal agency: The Department of Keeping a Suspicious Eye on Gay, Black, Hispanic, Academic, or Artsy People, or Anybody Who Asks Too Many Durn Questions (DKSEGBHAAPAWATMDQ).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you have the X Files theme music playing in the background as you typed that? You sound paranoid. One thing I can say about Kerry is he was a helluva lot more gracious then Edwards and Gore was 4 years ago. Oh well, Edwards will start suing everyone with deep pockets again to pad his bank account but you won't have to worry about cameras in your bedroom and knew spy agencies.