Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Awful Rowing Toward Payday

I haven't written anything in weeks.
My wife is cooking spinach enchiladas, and the house is perfumed by the cumin she crushed in our 8" mortar and pestle.
I've worked my way through most of a bottle of Pete's Wicked Ale with little difficulty.
My job is a drag. I'm disappointed. Pharmaceutical sales reps are assholes (some of them are very nice however), and I don't feel much different than when I worked at Starbucks or UPS. The pay and benefits are a bit better, but I'm still curiously impecunious. I provide information that ultimately helps people get well, and probably prolongs quite a few lives. But before that happens, some impatient, rude asswipe of a sales rep gets a bigger paycheck than I do. I have to explain to these people what the FDA considers an Adverse Event, and, by extension, what they are supposed to do when some doctor's patient gets a rash when they're taking one of our drugs. I'm an English Major working in the Medical Communications Department, and I'm forced to be the role model of clinical rigor. Where the fuck is my raise?

Ahh. That's a little better.

Good things:
-My wife
-My beer
-My 401k, which I'm finally able to start building. Sounds materialistic, but I'm beginning to have long term thoughts.
-My health
-The books I'm reading currently:Moby-Dick, The Iliad, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and the occasional cookbook perusal

dinner time.

1 comment:

Mr. Waterhouse said...

Your words cause me no small sadness, so I am literally comiserating. Fortunately, like jail and the nut house and the bottom of the barrel, like being a pauper, a poet, a pawn, and a king--I have knowledge that might help.

1. You are not your job. You are a guy who drinks Pete's Wicked Ale and has a wife who makes delicious enchies. You also have a primeval forest in your back yard.

2. This is not the last job you will have. Remember when I taught middle school? I was grossly unsuccessful. That job is now in the past. I have much more going for me now. You left big green. That's good. It would've been sweet to have achieved the perfect job--martini tester?--but you didn't. Get what you can out of this. Move on from there.

Hope this helps.
