Thursday, January 13, 2005


I have complained about my job.

My wiser siblings have offered their well-considered and true input.

My job still sucks, worse than ever. From experience, I know a shitty job when I see one. It has all the necessary ingredients, and it's sucking away my life. I am now actively seeking other options.

Perhaps it's true that work, by its very nature, is unpleasant, and that's why we're paid to do it. This job sucks too much for what it pays.

Sure, the world has many big, ineffectual bureaucracies with lots of worthless hangers-on in them. But I don't want to walk past the lazy-asses as I go to get more coffee in my vain attempt to whip my brain into going faster.

Okay, you won't always have as much direction and instruction as would make you comfortable. But I had more detailed instructions and standard operating procedures at almost all my other jobs. I had a detailed schematic of a caffe latte at Starbucks, and my knowledge of the organizational structure of the company I represent is based purely on what I've gleaned from others' conversations. I answer the phone and talk to people who are dying of cancer, for fuck's sake. I don't know who to connect them to. Why does a company who sells coffee have a better training program than one that sells pharmaceuticals?

And to what expectations am I being held? It was all clearly, if annoyingly, explained at Starbucks. Almost none of the shit I'm being told at my present job have I seen in writing.

I'm lucky and thankful to have a job at all. I want a better one, however. And it's not about money. I want to not hate my job. That's pretty much it.

I'm only getting fatter and grumpier, and the important things in life will suffer. These shitty jobs I've had since September of 2003 have indeed made them suffer. I had bad jobs before in my life, but I have more of a sense of what's important now. I'm inexcusably shirking so many things these days; it's killing me.

I guess I could hang on for a while, but only by telling myself, constantly each day, that the quality of my work is not important.

Unacceptable. It has never worked before; it won't work now.


Mr. Waterhouse said...

So. Am I counted among your older siblings? I hate to hear you like this. I have heard you like this before. You speak truth.

Ask yourself: what wouldn't suck? Or better: what would be wonderful?

Scott said...

There is definitely something wrong with this picture, and I will attempt to wrap words around it. This has all the hallmarks of lame management. All it takes is a little effort to show people where they fit into the big picture, what the hell they're supposed to do, and how the hell they're supposed to do it.
Thinking back, the lack of those things had a lot to do with why I left my first two jobs in industry.
It's sad, really, because from what little I know of your job (and how enthused you were when you started), you are involved in something that should be incredibly motivating and rewarding. Instead, this corporate entity is pissing away your talent and energy.

Sleepwalker said...

This truly does not sound good. Sounds like management simply takes for granted that they and the company are worthy by simply existing. It must suck to have to consider jumping ship again, but if that's what it takes... Are there any other possibilities you've seen?