Sunday, March 30, 2008

Good Locovorous Weekend

I did a big shopping run at the farmers' market on Saturday. I decided to turn some of the local eggs into pasta:
The rolling of the sheets:
The cutting of the tagliatelle (they're actually more easily handled when I cut them by hand):

And the kitty cat keeps everything under surveillance:

The tagliatelle was adorned with a sausage ragu (the sausage also came from the farmers' market) and roasted asparagus and walnuts. Walnuts are good on pasta! Why didn't I stumble on that before? We didn't starve.


eretria said...

Hopefully you have some leftovers for my poor silly man?
Thanks for picking him up, Chris, it's muchly appreciated. Will Oliver still look at him, though, I wonder? I know my cat ignored me for two full days after I came back from the States.

Sleepwalker said...

Some years ago I stumbled upon the combo of fresh sage, blue cheese and toasted walnuts tossed with hot pasta. Walnuts are good on pretty much everything!

I like the color of the egg yolks. The ones in the styrofoam containers in the megamarts don't quite look like that.