Sunday, March 23, 2008

Triptych: Beer, Lamb, Corks

Bell's Doppelbock (Lindz and I went for a walk, and we went into the Taproom at my urging):
Local NC lamb shoulder chops braised with lemons, olives, tomatoes and rosemary, perched on top of some grits:
A bowl of corks:
It has been a good weekend. Lindz took the first two of these photos. She also whipped up a tasty dessert to follow the lamb: Vanilla ice cream with toasted pecans, dates and honey. Ausgezeichnet.

1 comment:

Sleepwalker said...

Looks heavenly.

We spent the rest of the day recovering from brunch at French Laundry. I think they took down the menu, but it was just as good as last year. I've been daydreaming about just the bacon ever since.

Maybe they'll have Scotch eggs when you come up!