Friday, June 27, 2008


1.32 gallons of goodness.


eretria said...



Sleepwalker said...

What time is the party??

Where did you manage to snag that?

Mister Orange said...

Of all people, Lindz bought this. It's ten pints or so, and it's not designed to hold the fizz. I'm drinking it just as fast as I can (waste is bad). It's from Lowes Foods.

Mister Orange said...

I have subsequently learned that it was, in fact, Lindz's mom who bought me the keg. Credit should be given where it is due; she's the spoilingest mother in law ever.

Scott said...

Very nice. I've never seen it packaged like that.
I just returned from a weekend of drinking almost -almost- too much of the stuff.