Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We like books. For several years, our books have lived on some cheap shelves from Target.

I took some time off from my pointless coma of a job so I could build some real shelves. It was a good old sweaty, sawdusty experience.

Here are the first two of the three units in place.

Here they are, coated in extra-fumy enamel paint. Lindz and I got a good buzz off of that.

It's hard to truly realize the change in appearance from this picture. The shelves are seven feet tall, about nine feet wide, and eight inches deep. They occupy almost the entirety of one wall. They're made of real wood, not glued sawdust, and they didn't travel here from the other side of the world! What a concept!


eretria said...

Excellent job! So, when I move to the States, can you come and make bookshelves for me as well?

Mister Orange said...

Of course! Orangewino Buchregalbau is at your service.

eretria said...

Orangewino Buchregalbau

*laughs* Say that five times fast.

Sleepwalker said...

Awesome job.