Friday, May 28, 2004

3:04 am Eastern Time

I am tired. I'm burned out on this UPS job. I applied for a real job again yesterday, and I am hopeful. That's probably foolish, but you only live once.

More important, however, is onion foccacia. I made a batch of pizza dough from The Best Recipe, an invaluable cookbook from the editors of Cook's Illustrated Magazine. While it was rising, I sweated an onion in one of my black, shiny iron skillets. I formed the dough into a 1" thick pizza crust sort of oblong. I smeared the onions all over it. I applied salt, pepper and parmiggiano. I slid it onto my thoroughly preheated (425°) pizza stone and baked it for 25 minutes. I flashed it with the broiler at the end to give the onions a bit more color (an easy way to ruin stuff, so never walk away). This foccacia was then topped with pulled pork (see below), and Cottonwood Endo IPA washed it down. Lovely.

Now, I must go to work.

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