Saturday, May 15, 2004

Some angry ranting:

Politicians are assholes. Primarily white, rich men, they seem to be the distillation of the desires and fears of a select portion of society. Why wouldn't I be cynical about our political system? It's all advertising, not leadership. They follow; they do not lead. They hop from tree branch to tree branch, posturing and evading.

High-minded, wooden speeches which purport some sort of moral superiority fly from the White House like papal bulls. No wonder so many people hate us Americans so much. Such arrogance, such stupidity. Such condescension. Who made us the Policeman of the World? Sure, it would be nice to intervene and prevent ugly human rights situations, but it doesn't seem to work as simply as a cop arresting someone. The cop has even less credibility when we find pictures of him torturing someone.

How many American kids could have had full-ride scholarships in exchange for the billions of dollars that have gone to Iraq? How many people are dead? How many people have gotten rich off of this war? We could do good, constructive things with the blood and money that has been wasted. We could do things that posterity looks upon with satisfaction and wonder instead of shame. We could be on our way to a manned Mars mission. We could make nonpolluting transportation. We could cure diseases.

Nope, let's try war and nation building. Just because they've always been misbegotten nightmares before doesn't mean they will be this time, right?

Fucking morons.

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