Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Word o' the Day

1:To feel or express dejection or discontent: complain
2:To long for something.

Food has been an escape for me, but perhaps I need to try harder in my efforts to pierce the gloom. It seems like sections of me are going numb, thanks to this cubicle farm. My wife is married to a freak!


Mr. Waterhouse said...

Yes, I was promised bitching. Quite a lot of it actually.

Mister Orange said...

Yes, I must stay true to my mission. The rest of my life is good, but the job is a drag. I'm hoping to keep it from desensitizing me and making me calloused. The corporate environment defies belief. Vast portions of the human soul sit rusting from disuse: creativity, compassion, joy, et cetera.

Scott said...

3: To add lumber to something.

And you need a dog! To bark at the cat, and spill it's water, and wallow playfully in the puddle...

Sleepwalker said...

This is why you need to cook, write/read silly fics, blog, build stuff, cook some more, goof off with coworkers, cook some more...

Oh, but callouses are so necessary to protect against the pain. Lots of fun to pick at, too (apparently for some people).