Sunday, August 08, 2004

Cute kids, friendly grownups and sensational sunsets

I have just gotten back from Lake Norman, the idyllic home of my parents-in-law. I have written about this place before. It is 170 miles from home (I'm thinking either 'Rivendell' or 'Das Orangewino-platz' as a name for the house). The neighbors were nice, and the sunsets were spec-friggin'-tacular on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. The special thing about this weekend was that my two year-old nephew Alex was in town.

Alex is the son of Rob and Lil. Rob is my wife's brother. Rob and Lil are both PhD's, and Lil is Russian. Alex switches effortlessly between Russian and English in his chatterings, and he's frightfully smart. He has long, cherubic eyelashes. He has dimples as well, so he's quite popular.

It was a good weekend. What I mean by this is that it was a weekend that made me feel good. I spent a good amount of time chatting with very friendly neighbors who ask about my welfare. I enjoyed the company of my wife away from the toil of moving. I participated in some good conversations with two well-traveled college professors. I always like to hang out with my parents-in-law. Being with a two year-old, however, is really invigorating. Especially when he likes you. Kids keep you young, and they make you think.

Young Alex (usually called Sasha, which is the Russian familiar form of Aleksandr) is an adorable little man. He has tremendous power. The family dotes on him, and who else can wander around naked while carrying a ukelele? It just seems to work for him. My wife is an educated, elegant woman who holds an important position at her company. She wouldn't sing the Oscar Mayer jingle for just anyone, but there she was, crooning away.

Yes, it was a good weekend. Grownup fun was had as well; Rob is skilled in the ways of margaritas.

Alas, I should go to bed so I can enthusiastically serve hot, brown milk tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Scott said...

It would be 'Der Orangensauferplatz', to be precise (with an umlaut over the a in Saufer).