Friday, August 13, 2004

Milestones in a Man's Life

Tying your shoes unassisted
Taking a fish off the hook
Tying a tie
Moving out of the house
Getting laid
Getting laid without having your heart stomped on
Figuring out the significance of getting laid
Acquiring the taste for good beer
Cooking food for others
Cooking good food for others
Buying a car
Having good sushi for the first time (and every time, for that matter)
Learning the joy of travel
Being able to afford to travel (still waiting)
Getting married
Living under a roof that is not rented
Owning a couch that no one has previously owned
Quitting undesirable jobs


Mr. Waterhouse said...

I keep thinking this is a less than exhaustive list, but then I have nothing to add--so, well, I'm exhausted.

I'm so happy for you, dude!

Scott said...

It's very nearly complete. I would add:
Getting drunk (or entering some other altered state of consciousness) the first time
Burying a parent
Having a child