Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Ah, yes. I finally enjoy this day because I have someone with whom to ignore it. Lindz and I have agreed to make no fuss over Cupid's Festival of Nonsense.

There will be no trail of rose petals leading to a sudsy bathtub. No bottle of crappy champagne chosen for its label rather than its contents. No reservations at a prix fixe dinner event. No trudging through the rain to get some overpriced red roses. No trying to be creatively romantic at gunpoint.

I've done all those things in my life, and they generally suck (except a prix fixe dinner event, which can be good, if a bit expensive).

Things are as they should be now. Neither Lindz nor I want to do anything out of the ordinary tonight; we're nice to each other all the time. This morning, like nearly every other morning, I made my wife's tea for her while she dried her hair. I made her a sandwich for lunch, using bread that I made myself.

It's not exactly Romeo and Juliet, but I consider that to be a true expression of love, as opposed to some strenuously contrived or storebought once-yearly experience. There are plenty of you out there who understand this.

I love you, Lindsey.


Scott said...

You speak perfectly for Ann and myself as well. There is great satisfaction in resisting Hallmark holidays in all forms. Besides, we have our own significant dates which are far more personal and meaningful.

jaibone said...

I love you you feel about VD Day... me too....

As I follow your posts, it occurs to me that you need to get out of that drug company environment, and put an ad out in the world for personal chef work... if your food tastes as good as it looks, you have all the other right stuff to make a pretty good living feeding all the people who still work for the MAN! It's easy peasey... work from home and make people smile....

Sleepwalker said...

I should show your post to Tim. And I felt like saying 'amen' when I read it too. Please stay that way, you two. The vortex of Hallmark commercialism sometimes threatens to suck us in. Tim doesn't have to buy me squat, but I could tell he felt like he should. If I want baubles, believe me, I'll take care of that myself. But the pressure on guys is enormous. And needless. We buy each other cards. The more ribald, the better. And a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups hit our sweet spot just fine.

Mr. Waterhouse said...

Orange, I have wanted that my entire adult life.

jaibone said...

you should chekc out this blog-o-rama...

Mister Orange said...

Wow. There's a treasure trove at this sautewednesday site. It's going to take me a bit to see it all...