Thursday, February 10, 2005


I have been sadly remiss in my blogging duties. Life has been fairly humdrum lately. Work has improved a bit, but we'll see if that's permanent. I have been baking quite a bit (It's been many weeks since storebought bread has been in my house), and my father-in-law worked with me to fix a door. He's a marvelous resource for home improvement knowledge. He puts in bullnose corners and crown molding for fun. He's got mad skills, yo.

I baked a loaf of bread with a hefty amount of Muenster cheese rolled into it. It got brown and crispy where the cheese oozed to the surface. I brought it to work for a coworker's farewell. It was well received.

I have given a couple of cast iron skillets away. I have too much crap in the kitchen, so I'm trying to pare things down a bit. I am trying to increase my real cooking abilities, and that includes an understanding of what you need vs. what you think you need. So I carefully chose good homes for the skillets. I hope I get photos now and then.

My rosemary plants are quite dead. I will try again in the spring. My fond dream is to have huge, robust shrubs of it like they have at Fearrington Village near Chapel Hill.


Mr. Waterhouse said...

A newish trend here in LoCal is to use it as a groundcover. It does spread almost uncontrollably yet trim easily.

Sleepwalker said...

I've somehow managed to keep a rosemary plant alive in the kitchen window for a year and a half now. I heard the plants like magnesium, so I put a tiny bit of Epsom salts on it once in a while.

Homemade bread *swoons*...I must make some one of these days, too. Been buying Great Harvest loaves lately. I plan to make some with green onions, cheddar cheese, sour cream and ranch dip mix spiraled into it in 2 weeks when we go to a weekend BBQ welcoming home our comrade Rodney back from Iraq.