Sunday, August 28, 2005

Legislation, Yardwork and Pizza

The Cap is officially popped. The state legislature, on August 13th, 2005, approved House Bill 392, increasing the allowable alcohol content of beer in North Carolina from 6% to 15%. This past week, I enjoyed my first beer on tap, and then bottled, which I would not have been able to enjoy before. I drank and reviewed Chimay Cinq Cents White, Reserve Blue and Premiere Red this week. They had the White on tap down the street at the Sawmill Taproom, and I procured bottles of the Blue and the Red at Taylor's Convenience Store (also my source of propane). It is a marvelous example of the government doing something that actually benefits me. I am very pleased indeed. The $300 I got from George W. Bush a few years ago was nice, but this will last longer.

Lindz and I have been working in the yard. She has ripped out large tracts of ivy, and I have cut down and cut up innumberable tree branches. We transplanted some of the herbs from pots into the newly revealed ground. I constructed a workbench, in our storage room, out of an extra door. It's extremely stylish. I feel like more of a man, now that I have a workbench. Next, I want functioning electricity and a vise at my bench.

And then I made pizza:

Standard pizza dough from The Best Recipe, smeared with a paste of roasted garlic, capers, flat leaf parsley, olive oil and black pepper. On top of that went sliced gouda and sausage. Lindz made a spinach salad with mustard balsamic vinaigrette, red onion and toasted pine nuts. We drank chianti. We lived life to the fullest.


Scott said...

Congratulations on your legislation and your workbench. And that's one hell of a good lookin' pizza.

Anonymous said...

Pop the Cap was a huge issue for NC people on Beer Advocate and I know there are some celebrations going on. Hopefully the brewpubs and breweries in NC will offer some barleywines and imperial stouts that provide satisfaction. BTW that pizza looks delicous.


Sleepwalker said...

Truly an hour for red-blooded American males (and females, too). And I bow in homage to your pizza.

Mister Orange said...

The pizza was baked on the Ultra-Super Quantum Leap of Potato Technology Pizza Pan, which was wrought by the craft of the Noldor in the Light of the Two Trees of Valinor.