Sunday, September 18, 2005


I made ravioli with a stuffing of ricotta, parmiggiano, sage, mint, parsley and cinnamon basil. The sauce is a simple tomato sauce with the addition of orange zest and juice.


Scott said...

wow...those had to be absolutely full of fresh, intense flavors.

Sleepwalker said...

I can be a bit anal about putting too many herbs/spices together (yet I like Old Bay, which is a shotgun blast of everything in the spice rack...somehow it works), or where I put orange zest, but what was your take on it? Was it a par-tay in your mouth?

Mister Orange said...

I was pretty happy with how everything melded together. Lindz found that she preferred the ravioli unsauced, with a bit of olive oil and salt.
The sage dominated a bit, and the mint and parsley gave a lightness and a green-ness. The basil added a bit of a snap. The orange (along with a few drops of habanero Tabasco) made it a light, bright sauce. I may use less sage next time. The meal was a bit of work, but not bad.

Anonymous said...

glad you're having fun with the pasta roller o' death! it ends up being some work, but there's nothing like having it done by hand.

i need to start a new blog. and actually post to it. sheesh, i'm a-suckin'.

miss you. thanksgiving won't be the same without your friggin' company. what shall me and your asshole brudda do?
