Monday, January 07, 2008

Rather a lot of packaging for just a desk calendar, hm?

Thanks for destroying the whole ecosystem, Barnes & Noble. I suppose the air in those packing bubbles was sucked out of the lungs of eagles, leopards and baby otters, too! I'm filled with self-important, artifically righteous rage!
Seriously, though, it does seem quite a bit more than necessary.


eretria said...

Send it back to them, stating: I didn't order this, thank you!

Scott said...

No- the packaging industry is the lifeblood of our economy!

eretria said...

Oh, I forgot: When you send it back, put it in an even bigger box. With more filling material!

Unknown said...

We got a replacement plastic cap for a 5 gallon water jug we use forcamping. The Coleman Company sent it free of charge because it was warranted and they used a box about 18 x 24 x 12 inches to send a plastic cap that was about 2 inches in diameter and about 1 or 2 inches tall. Sheer stupidity.

Sleepwalker said...

Possibly you can console yourself with the thought that the person on the line who did the packaging had just enough common sense to think, this is a damn stupid wasteful thing I'm doing, but management says we have to do it this way or get disciplined/fired, so...

Mister Orange said...

I should add that this calendar is only part of the story. For Christmas, I received a Barnes & Noble gift card. I decided to get two calendars and two cd's. I got the cd's in one package, this calendar in the big box, and the other calendar should be arriving today. Four items, three shipments.
Can't.... breathe.....too much.... pollution.....*cough*

Sleepwalker said...

You should submit this story to Consumer Reports, per one of my coworkers. She tells me that in the back of the mag, they have a list of the wasteful/ridiculous/incredible.