Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A Couple of Things

1)No, I don't like Bush. I've ranted about him before here.
2)Billy, I don't understand your comment.
3)I'm not an unquestioning, rah-rah-rah Democrat. I'm unaffiliated.
4)I choose not to trivialize my views by putting them on a bumper sticker. I also do not drunkenly rant about them at a bar. I bitch and moan about things here.
5)It is never my intent to offend or insult people (except if I make it clear that I'm insulting them); my only aims are to vent and to stimulate thought.
6)Perhaps I lived in California too long, or perhaps I've spent too much of my life working low-paying, unsatisfying jobs. The result is that I tend to question the establishment.


Scott said...

- No offense taken here, ever. Occasional bemusement, perhaps.

- I am 100% in favor of questioning the establishment. The problem is that there isn't nearly enough of it.

Mr. Waterhouse said...

Is Billy the Billy we know and honor? By that I mean the originator of decaffing?

Just curious.

Sleepwalker said...

No offense really, just surprised that the vitriol ran that deep.