Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia

(Listening to "The Great Radio Controversy" by Tesla, an album that sat collecting dust in Michigan since I moved away in 1995)

I'm trainin' like an oncology fool, yo. It's great, but I suppose it all happened a bit fast. The transition from "shitty" job to "real" job happened over the course of a weekend.

I mentioned some names of former Starbucks coworkers in a previous post (the one with the axe), and a couple of people have spotted it. Crazy. I wonder if Dana Berkoski, Kristi Gardner and Barb Brown will see it too (I think they're all married now)? Or Joyce Varino? Or Peter Lutz? Or Ki Min Sung? Or Jeff Shaffer? Eric Canfield? Damon Kilcoin? That crazy chick Vanessa who shaved her head? Shelley Bilden? Annabelle Dunnatte? Stacia Partin? Tina Givens?

Ah, the years I pissed down the drain at that company. All so I could remember some people through the sweet, gauzy haze of time. All that time spent shovellin' coffee for the man almost seems warm and fuzzy.



Sleepwalker said...

Hee, hee. You tickle this med tech's funny bone with long-forgotten diseases learned during internship. Bet that's what some of those new residents could be looking for, with all the sed rates we run in the mornings.

Mr. Waterhouse said...

Since you steadfastly refuse to mention that crazy singing lobster dancing dangerously over-educated Siegfried and Roy touting guy, let me mention a few others:

Sally N., Georgia, Eddie (the sexually frustrated chimp furiously working himself with one hand holding the JC Penny catalog), Angie (Doctorial Ditz with preternaturally magnificent tits), That fat kid who stole our tips.

And let us not forget some customers.

I'm getting all misty-eyed.. do you have a tissue?