Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The Dark Ages

People are having their heads chopped off, for fuck's sake. And George W. Bush's head only gets bigger. He has created more terrorists than he has captured or killed. I compare him to Pope Innocent IV. He authorized torture in The Inquisition in 1252. Bush denies it, but I'm having a difficult time giving credence to anything coming from the White House. It's all about pride, not people.

I'm so cynical. Someone help me understand why the hell we have a two party system.

And why such a falsely pious, foolishly proud man is the President of great nation.

And why we're governed by so many old, rich, white men. Rumsfeld is such a fucking prick.

And why his opponent isn't all that exciting either.

And why we're supposed to be the Gleaming White Knight of the World. We should charge for our services as Meddlling, Sanctimonious Superpower.

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