Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Our Great Democracy

You know what? I just want this crap to be over. I'm tired of campaigns. Thanks to the electoral college, my vote doesn't matter anyway.

Ugh. Cynicism.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous is with you, we don't "really" count. The electoral vote decide the winner. :( Some things we can count on: 1. The winner will be a crook. 2. We will pay his salary. 3. The lies won't stop, regardless of the winner. 4. There will be many lawsuits. 5. It will be over soon, then we can do it again in 3.2 years------WAHOO!

Lets get a viable independent candidate and take this country back!

Sleepwalker said...

At least on this, we totally agree. I've reached complete saturation with campaign updates, partisan politics, blame games, and each candidate's farts making blaring headline news.