Friday, October 01, 2004

The Texas Chimp vs. The Tall Botox Guy

If I was a Bush supporter, I would have been tearing my hair out last night. He couldn't put a sentence together without using "uhhh" or stuttering at least a few times. He was pretty negative, testy and evasive, just like the Republican National Convention. He totally sidestepped or stalled on several questions, and he used a couple of sentences that were grammatical nonsense. I suppose I should cite specific examples here, but I'd need a transcript to be accurate.

Evidently, his handlers made him memorize the closing statement; that was the only time he made any sense (and then, he just came back up to his corny wooden speech standard of quality). That, along with the word "denigrate" and the phrase "mixed messages," were the only things that would fit in his head.

Kerry, I thought, held up pretty well. He actually answered the questions. He pronounced the words correctly and used complete sentences. His voice didn't pubescently warble with emotion. He made geopolitical references. I don't know, perhaps it's difficult for me to be objective.

When you take the President out of his element (he usually only faces friendly audiences and he only uses one, repetitively rehearsed message on the campaign trail), Bush comes across as slow-witted. What the hell is he doing in the Oval Office?


Mr. Waterhouse said...


I came to much the same conclusion. My only regret is that the Dems can't do better than the tall guy. Bush was a defensive eighth grader, Kerry a cocky high school senior. Smarmy? Not quite, but getting there.

I weap for the future.


Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous to most. Both of them were terrible. From the "I have a plan" guy, to the "it's a tough job" guy. It's a good thing they are both in politics because neither one of them could sell cars! From Kerry's mistake about the KGB, to Bush mixing up Osama and Saddam....... what a mess we are in! Why does it have to be Right wing or Left wing, doesn't the middle make sense?