Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Free Activities to Entertain Oneself

Here are some no- or low-cost activities that help keep me from turning to a life of crime.

-Wander around stores looking at merchandise
-Look at people and judge them
-Read good books
-Call a credit card company or Internet Service Provider to cancel your service. This will kill plenty of your time. If you are sufficiently gullible, it will also make you feel like an important customer.
-Keep a journal
-If you have a DVD player, watch movies in foreign languages.
-Bake bread
-Walk in the woods
-Spend several hours in a bookstore reading (buying nothing, if you can do it)
-Listen to an hour-long symphony by Bruckner
-Search for fulfilling, well-paying jobs that do not exist.
-Housework (last resort)

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