Wednesday, July 07, 2004

 Posted by Hello
A pressed summer sandwich. Lindsey found a recipe in Real Simple magazine, and it looked good. In fact, there were many handsome sandwiches in that issue, plus a blurb about boxed wine that's actually good. It's a good magazine, but I digress. I baked a round/semi-flat loaf of bread, and we sliced it in half and filled it with goodness. There are kalamata olives, grape tomatoes, red bell peppers, red onion and hard boiled eggs in there. The flavor comes from a tasty puree of garlic, olive oil, fresh parsley and capers. The recipe called for anchovies, but we just added some salt. We weighted this thing down with a pan and cans of tomatoes in the fridge overnight. It's nice and Mediterranean. We could do all sorts of interesting things with this sandwich genre.

1 comment:

Mr. Waterhouse said...

Sounds Delish.

I created a variation on this a few summers ago.

I am working on the assumption that at some point you can grow your own tomatoes on that obsolete coast over there. That being said, you also need a similar loaf of bread--preferably sourdough--some fresh basil and some fresh mozzerella.

Paint the bread with olive oil. Put together a sandwich of mozz, tomato, and basil. Your garlic puree would help this one over the edge.

Bake it until the cheese is a little melty and the bread is getting all toasty-like.